Which wines are best for gin lovers

Which wines are best for gin lovers?

Gin is enjoying somewhat of a renaissance and has become the drink of choice for many people. There have been lots of new brands introduced over the last few years, and while many are not quite as fancy as they first appear, there are lots that are introducing a whole new generation of drinkers to their powerful, floral aromas.

There are wines with a similar flavour profile. While they don’t taste precisely like gin, they do offer similar aromatic experiences, with the added bonus of being less alcoholic.

These floral choices are usually white wines made from grape varieties that are high in particular molecules, called terpenes. A good example is Argentina’s torrnontes, which can be enjoyably summery and aromatic.

Floral flavours

Other examples that offer a burst of floral, immersive flavours include Cantina Tramin Nussbaumer Gewurztraminer, Alto-Adige, Italy 2016. This has powerful perfumes with hints of ginger, lychee, Turkish delight and rosewater. It’s a heady wine, with layers of exotic flavours. For even more layers of savoury spiciness, you can try Zind Humbrecht Gewurtztraminer Turckheim, Alsace 2015.

Another version that offers the same tropical fruit salad experience, but this time cut with clean acidity, from northern Italy with Cantina Tramin.

An Asti moment

Muscat (also known under its Italian guise as Moscato) had a similar moment to gin a few years’ back, suddenly becoming the drink to enjoy. This was specifically a very sweet and slightly fizzy version made in California.

Over in the wine’s home town of Asti (in the north west region of Piedmont in Italy), their version is very light. With only around 5% alcohol content and a fragrant, spring-meadow flavour, it’s a delicious alternative to gin. Any G&T lover looking for a wine-based alternative will enjoy Australia’s Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato, or GD Vajra Moscato d’Asti.


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