Ideal Wine Company Releases Comprehensive Wine Collectors Guide

This week the Ideal Wine Company circulated a press release chronicling the details of their new comprehensive wine collectors guide. What can collectors expect from the guide?


Taking Your Queue from Sir Alex

Last week Sir Alex Ferguson made headlines, not for his performance in the sporting world, but for the release of the news that his vintage wine collection has been estimated to measure in excess of £3 million and that said collection is set to be auctioned off this month.

Sir Alex’s actions remind us of what you need to do to emulate his success with your collection. That is why the Ideal Wine Company has officially released its comprehensive guide to the art of modern wine collecting. A detailed guide, it provides you with everything you need to know.


More from the Ideal Wine Company

The press release went on to explain he guide in greater depth:

‘The guide titled ‘A Collectors Guide: How to keep a safe and secure collection’, aims to inspire and help those wishing to broaden their wine collecting knowledge with practical, step-by-step guidelines, it is a 10-step taster for first time buyers and experienced wine-connoisseurs alike. It is not all about drinking wine, in fact, quite the opposite. Vintage wine collecting is an investment that can stimulate even the most mundane of weekend chardonnay sippers.

“Many merchants will aim to buy a wine for around 90% of what they will sell it for. Others may look to make more.”- Part 9, Keep up to date

Featuring a detailed collection of expertise and advice, Ideal Wines’ ‘Collectors Guide’ goes through the worries of; wine choice, condition and correct storage, as well as the essentials of knowing when to buy, when to sell and more importantly when to drink. Remember, “Fine wine gets better with age.”

“Let the past make you better, not bitter. There is no definitive way to predict the future however the past can help guide us.” – Part 1, Gain a little knowledge’

If you wish to find out more, you can access Ideal Wine Company’s new online guide specifically for wine collectors,by downloading it at


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