Long-established traditions many have shaped wine-making, especially in old world regions like Bordeaux, but some things are now changing. Technology and shifting consumer attitudes are altering how we make, serve and drink wine, sparking new trends.
For instance, if you purchase the Dom Perignon 2000 from Ideal Wine Company, you’ll receive a quality drink, produced according to strict guidelines. Champagne houses have been legally required to conform to specific production rules since 1891.
In an interview with Business Insider, Master Sommelier Devon Broglie revealed several trends which are transforming wine right now.
Everyday bubbles
The terms ‘sparkling wine’ and ‘Champagne’ have practically been interchangeable for decades. Champagne has a history of being the drink of kings, meaning that many modern consumers see it as the ultimate luxury tipple. Because of this association, sales of Champagne sank in the years following the global economic crash of 2008, as consumers did away with luxury items to conserve cash.
But people are starting to buy Champagne again. Along with the emergence of lesser-known products like Cava, Prosecco and Moscato, this has allowed sparkling wine sales to rise in recent years, sparking new interest in bubbly as an everyday tipple.
Broglie said: “Sparkling wines from all over the world are popular, and people are spending less and less energy believing they’re only good for celebration and more and more time using them as a palate starter, an aperitif.”
Hello chilled reds
It is vital that you serve wine at the right temperature. With this strategy, you will ensure that the bottle is subjected to the right amount of cold or heat needed to bring the best flavour characteristics out of its wine. Traditional wisdom dictates that it’s best to serve red wine at room temperature, but recently, some experts argued that if already opened, red wines should be served chilled.
Broglie took this further, arguing that it’s a good idea to serve some red wines, even if they haven’t been opened, chilled during autumn.
“This can play for August, September, October, as you still have warm weather, but you’re moving into a cooler time.”
Broglie warned that you should only chill lighter, more acidic reds such as Beaujolais, while more alcoholic, fuller bodied varieties taste better at room temperature.
Getting more experimental
The Master Sommelier also noted that the rapid advancement of internet and smartphones is changing how we as consumers engage with wine. With these devices, consumers can buy wine online through retailers like Ideal Wine Company easily. He added that “customers are thirsty for knowledge” and these devices are making it easier for them to find wine information at their convenience.
Because it’s easier to find information, consumers are no longer sticking to one “go-to-wine,” Broglie added. Increasingly, they are starting to get more experimental, trying different vintages to determine which wines they like and how to source other wines with similar qualities.
Some retailers are now creating new campaigns to attract more informed customers, citing US supermarket Whole Foods’ recent ‘Wine from Chile’ promotion as an example of this trend according to Broglie.
Rapidly changing wine landscape
With these trends, we see that wine is not static. The world in which we live is undergoing a period of change unlike any seen in human history and the global wine sector is rapidly shifting along with it. We would advise you to embrace new wine trends, rather than shy away from them. With a product as complex as wine, you never know, you might just stumble on a new way to enjoys its rich flavours!